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Bend the state's  data infrastructure and evaluation ecosystem/ marketplace toward social justice

Connect with other people who are committed to social justice in and through evaluation and data

Strengthen new and existing talent streams to maintain an intersectional evaluation workforce


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Upcoming  Events

    • May 14, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM (CDT)
    • Zoom

    The evaluation market is going to continue to contract, ironically just when the need for evaluative thinking and the need for evaluative work is exploding.

    When the evaluation market expands again, we will get to measure bold outcomes. Until that time, we can offer our clients outcome measures designed to protect freedoms.

    We are hosting office hours to create a space for evaluators to re-define program outcomes as rights or an expansion of freedoms.

    Who should Participate?

    • Emerging evaluators, mid-career evaluators, and students 
    • Grantmakers and evaluators who work in philanthropy who are re-assessing their program outcomes. 

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Support our Work

Donations help ensure we have the financial capacity to offer programming at an affordable price,  pay our smaller vendors above livable wages, and spend more volunteer time with you than writing grants. 

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